The Independence, Integrity and Impartiality Policy constitutes a cornerstone for the proper functioning of the Entity. Therefore, OCE Global will use whatever financial, technical and human resources are necessary to:

  1. Evaluate, and implement measures when appropriate, of risk activities of the entity itself.
  2. Evaluate, and implement measures when appropriate, of risk activities of the audit staff – both external and internal – of the entity itself.
  3. Evaluate, and implement measures when appropriate, of risk activities of the non-audit staff – both external and internal – of the entity itself.
  4. Evaluate, and implement measures when appropriate, of risk activities of the Organizations Related to the entity itself.

OCE Global will not use in its offers or in its advertising, written or oral, references to Related Organizations in such a way that it may lead the client to believe that certification will be easier to obtain.

All staff – both external and internal – involved in the OCE Global Certification process, will undertake to work in an Independent, Integral and Impartial manner, complying with the following principles:

1. The Training in which OCE Global participates will be open and in no case will it deal with aspects related to how to obtain the certificate of those products or services that it certifies.

2. OCE Global identifies as prohibited any of these activities within its entity:

  • Design, manufacture or supply of products subject to certification or similar.
  • Give advice or provide consulting services to applicants on methods of resolving issues that are barriers to the requested certification.
  • Provide any other product or service that compromises the impartiality of the certification and decision-making process.

3. The persons dedicated to the certification process, including the Quality Manager, may not have participated in any activity considered prohibited related to the applicant within the two years prior to the start of the certification process.

4. The remuneration of the OCE Global personnel in charge of carrying out inspections, or managing the certification process, will not depend on the number of inspections or certification processes carried out, or on their results.

5. OCE Global personnel involved in the certification process are free from any commercial, financial or other pressure that may influence their judgment. There are no contractual or informal agreements or other hierarchical, commercial or economic relationships, by which conflicts of interest are generated or could be generated in the result of a certification or could potentially influence the result of the same. Some situations that can generate conflicts of interest would be:

  • Have a personal interest in the matter or procedure or in another that is related
  • Being an administrator of a company or entity interested in the issue or procedure.
  • Having a pending litigation issue with an interested party. Having a or marital relationship or assimilable factual situation and the blood relationship within the fourth degree or affinity within the second, with any of the interested parties.
  • Have an intimate friendship or manifest enmity with any of the interested parties
  • Have a service relationship with a natural or legal person directly interested in the matter.

6. Ante declaration of a conflict of interest, the Director of Quality will carry out all the necessary inquiries and measures will be proposed to guarantee the Independence, Integrity and Impartiality of the Entity. The proposed measures will be passed on to the Committee, who will act according to the provisions of the Committee Regulations for the Safeguarding of Independence, Integrity and Impartiality.

7. With respect to Related Organizations, OCE Global will use whatever economic, technical and human resources are necessary to:

  • Identify Related Organizations
  • Analyze and evaluate the risks that these may cause to the Fairness of OCE Global.
  • Propose measures to protect OCE Global from detected threats
  • Monitor that the measures are met. (Secretary of the Committee and Director of Quality).

8. Any person who may incur a conflict of interest or thinks that another person affected by this policy may be doing so, must immediately notify OCE Global through the following mail:

9. It is the responsibility of the Director General to file and maintain the Safeguard Declarations.